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Business Development, Kate Ballard on a Call

Is Your Compliance Scheme Providing You with the Best Service?

The true financial impact of Extended Producer Responsibility will be based on the packaging you handle in 2024 and the H1 data you submit in October 2024. Now more than ever it is vital that you give your business time to review your compliance scheme support to ensure you are partnered with a scheme that fully aligns with the requirements and needs of your business by the time you need to submit EPR data this Autumn.

Compliance costs under EPR are likely to increase significantly for Brand Owners and Importers and we recommend that you seek expert support to ensure you can build a successful EPR strategy for your business.

Comprehensive guidance, as well as accurate data and transparent business practices are essential for cost reduction and identifying opportunity for your business under Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

Is your packaging compliance scheme tailoring their services to meet the specific needs of your business?

With the implementation of EPR likely causing your compliance costs to increase, it is essential you are working with a partner who understands your business.

At Clarity, we work with you to find the solution that works best, ensuring you never pay more than you should, and that your packaging data is as accurate as possible. Your dedicated Compliance Manager schedules regular intelligence calls specifically aimed at meeting your needs, so you are never in the dark about upcoming legislation and what it means for your business, the compliance process or your recycling obligation progress.

Do you have direct access to a dedicated, expert compliance manager?

We understand that with ever-changing policy reform, direct access to an expert Compliance Manager and quick responses are more crucial than ever during the transition to the Extended Producer Responsibility system.

With huge change happening in the industry and costs rising continuously, packaging compliance is making its way to the top of the agenda at board level. It can be frustrating to require answers and not receive them in a timely manner.

With a 24-hour response promise by our dedicated team of Clarity Compliance Managers, you have packaging compliance expertise at your fingertips, when you need it.

Does your packaging compliance scheme ensure you are up to date on packaging waste legislation?

Policy reform is happening constantly and with one of the biggest changes in the industry (EPR) in phase one of its implementation, staying on top of updates although difficult, is critical to saving future cost, time and resource.

With Clarity, not only are you looked after by your specialist Compliance Manager, you also have access to a wider team of industry-leading compliance experts providing you with specialist guidance through digital educational content such as webinars, comprehensive monthly regulatory and industry news updates as well as content, articles and information tailored to your business, created for ease of sharing with wider stakeholders in your organisation.

Does your compliance scheme provide support to stakeholders in your wider business?

With packaging compliance gaining board level attention, those with the responsibility of meeting requirements to comply with packaging waste regulations are tasked with the, at times, difficult job of explaining complex and nuanced environmental policy to senior leaders. At Clarity we understand that packaging compliance is often a small part of your job function that is becoming increasingly more time and resource consuming.

Comply with Clarity scheme members are supported throughout the entirety of the compliance process, whether that is guidance on data submissions or holding support meetings with wider stakeholders in your business, your expert Compliance Manager and the wider Clarity team are accessible at all times.

Does your packaging compliance scheme drive best practice in the industry?

With eco-modulation and recyclability assessments coming in 2025/26, it is safe to assume that in the future modulation will not end with recyclability alone. Working with a proactive compliance partner, committed to driving best practice in the industry will save you time and resource in the future.

Clarity’s sustainable sourcing policy and recycling quality standard ensures that we work only with recycling companies whose values align with ours. With a 360 view of the industry, our collaborative approach and commitment to the improvement of the waste and recycling industry, means that we partner with recycling evidence suppliers of excellence to create closed-loop recycling systems as well as mitigating the financial and reputational risk of PRN cancellations.

For Brand Owners and Importers, compliance costs will increase substantially and with the Environment Agency taking further action on fraudulent activity in the issuing of recycling evidence, it is essential you are working with a compliance partner who mitigates risk of PRN cancellations to avoid further budget impacts on packaging compliance.

Does your packaging compliance scheme encourage continuous improvement of your business?

The purpose of EPR for packaging is to encourage continuous improvement and innovation in packaging producers, however, preparation and proactivity is key to a successful EPR strategy.

Our Dynamic Data Services are on-hand to not only support your business in creating a portfolio of accessible, detailed and accurate data, the team will also conduct performance assessments to improve the quality of data and seek new ways to make it meaningful, creating a framework that encourages your business to adopt more sustainable packaging practices and drive continuous improvement.

Talk to us now so that you have time to prevent your EPR costs from escalating, and to put in place the support of an expert, ethical partner to prepare your business for major change.

Why join Comply with Clarity

Since 2002, our specialists have consistently provided exceptional, ethical, and cost-effective support for Producer Responsibility Obligations, resulting in 100% member retention most years. With an expert in-house PRN trading team, transparent invoicing, and 24-hour EPR query response assurance, we ensure our members receive optimal pricing, ethical recycling evidence, and reliable compliance expertise.

  • Transparent invoice assurance
  • Dynamic EPR forecasting
  • Ethical, quality assured recycling evidence
  • Unlimited access to your specialist compliance manager
  • 24-hour response assurance
  • Triple Check Data Integrity Promise
  • Member-only market updates newsletter
  • Regular member webinars

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