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Progress Against Recycling targets: May PRN Data

The latest recycling figures released by the Environment Agency reveal positive production numbers for most grades, with only Glass Re-melt raising concerns.

The Environment Agency also published the first draft of the PRN obligation for 2024 this month. However, due to late registrations, this number does not fully reflect this year’s obligation. Therefore, a projected figure is being used to more accurately comment on progress towards recycling targets.

Paper and Board

Paper and Board had another strong month, performing 23% above its monthly requirement. This performance leaves the grade 286,568 tonnes ahead of its year-to-date target, in a better position than at this time last year. With the easing of export issues in the Red Sea Region and consistent strong performances, reducing the risk of price volatility in the immediate term for this grade.

Glass Other and Glass Re-melt

Glass Re-melt saw a positive production month, generating 114,317 Packaging Recovery Notes, a welcome improvement after a series of weak performances. Despite exceeding its monthly requirement, this grade remains 4,395 tonnes behind its year-to-date target, causing price fluctuations.

Glass Other performed well, generating 43,470 Packaging Recovery Notes and exceeding its monthly target. This leaves the grade 16,553 tonnes ahead of its year-to-date target. Consequently, the overall Glass category sits 12,158 tonnes ahead of target.

Glass recycling production has seen the impact of some products being packaged in Aluminium instead of Glass, this is notably the case with beers and soft drinks, including water.


Aluminium had a strong month, generating just under 15,000 tonnes and exceeding its monthly requirement by approximately 3,000 tonnes. This performance puts Aluminium 3,230 tonnes ahead of its year-to-date requirement. However, it is 5,000 tonnes behind where it was at this time last year.


Steel PRN production was positive this month, with 40,128 tonnes recycled, this is 11,000 tonnes above its monthly requirement. This leaves Steel 22,340 tonnes ahead of its year-to-date requirement and around 10,000 tonnes ahead of where it was at this stage last year.


Plastic had a weaker production month compared to the previous month, with 106,530 Plastic PRNs generated. Despite this, the grade exceeded its monthly requirement and remains ahead of its year-to-date requirement by 43,244 tonnes, reducing the risk of extreme volatility that has been experienced in previous years.


Wood had another hugely positive month, with 81,725 tonnes reprocessed, approximately 50,000 tonnes ahead of its monthly requirement. This leaves the grade 131,804 tonnes ahead of its year-to-date requirement, equivalent to over four months’ worth of production. It is important to remember that the surplus of this grade usually contributes to the General Recycling target, so caution is advised despite the strong outlook for the year ahead.

As we continue to see strong performances across most grades, it's encouraging to witness the resilience and adaptability of the recycling sector. The consistent gains in Paper and Board, Steel, and Wood demonstrate the effectiveness of the industries strength and the market's positive response to this. Despite some challenges, particularly with Glass Re-melt, the overall positive trends indicate a robust pathway towards meeting our recycling targets. Our team remains committed to navigating market fluctuations and ensuring quality recycling evidence for our clients. If you would like to discuss the latest PRN data further with a member of our expert team, please feel free to reach out to us utilising the form below.

Daniel Fullylove

Head of Compliance Services

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