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EPR: 3 risks to mitigate

With phase one of the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility well under way, this legislative reform represents a significant shift in packaging compliance requirements as well as how packaging waste is managed. Whilst EPR offers positive environmental benefits, the policy also presents news risks to obligated businesses that must be mitigated to ensure successful compliance and prevent overpayment of fees.  

In this article Clarity explores three key risks associated with EPR for packaging and discusses why it is crucial to take action now.  

Risk 1: Lack of Data Readiness

One of the primary risks obligated businesses must be aware of when transitioning to an EPR system is the lack of data readiness. Without well-established structures and resource in place to capture the necessary data, companies may struggle to meet their reporting obligations accurately. Rushing data collection without due consideration can lead to potential errors and major cost implications. It is essential for businesses to invest in robust data management systems that allow for seamless tracking and reporting of packaging materials throughout the supply chain. By ensuring data readiness, obligated businesses can avoid issues with inaccurate data and make informed decisions based on trusted information.

Risk 2: Lack of Compliance Expertise

The complexity of EPR regulations and the evolving nature of compliance requirements demand a thorough understanding of where a business’s obligations lie. Many businesses may find themselves unprepared and ill-equipped to navigate these new regulatory landscapes, especially when it comes to technical aspects of the reform. Having access to timely expert advice from professionals who have a clear understanding of your supply chain and can interpret regulations specific to your business is crucial.

Risk 3: Lack of Action on Packaging formats

With the implementation of EPR, obligated businesses have a unique opportunity to reassess their packaging footprint. Failing to take action now may lead to missed chances for optimising packaging formats for recyclability, as well as considering lightweighting strategies and broader environmental impacts such as carbon impact. Evaluating packaging materials, exploring recyclable alternatives, and embracing sustainable practices can not only align your business with EPR requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to environmental improvement. By proactively addressing your packaging choices, companies can reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, and enhance their brand image.

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