The long-awaited GlassFlow report was published on 17th October, which has analysed the amount of glass being placed on the UK market.
Following the publication of the report, the Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) has recommended that targets for business glass recycling are scaled down in response to concerns over unstable market prices. Defra is now set to launch a consultation on the amending targets for glass.
Chris Taylor, PRN trader at Clarity Environmental said: “In light of the news that Defra is set to consult on amending targets for glass recycling, we expect glass PRN pricing to drop next year from the elevated prices witnessed for some time. Many feel that around £30 is a far more realistic price for a glass PRN.”
Clarity has been buying and selling packaging recovery notes (PRNs) since our business started in 2002. We are now one of the largest and most experienced open market traders of PRNs. To talk to our team about buying or selling any grad of packaging recovery note (PRN), contact our team on 0845 129 7177.